Monday, September 13, 2010

I want your stuff.

On Icecrown [H] I am offering to buy every single raiding or northrend tradeskill item you have within two days of sending. 

  • No longer will you be forced to work with the AH in hopes that something will sell.   
  • You will never have to spam trade to find people to buy. 
  • You will always know what prices to expect.
  • No more worrying about an auctionhouse cut (can be very expensive!)
  • Work with an english-speaking american! Never! Buy! Gold!
I am offering a rate of 70% of the market price as scanned by my auctioneer, which is updated three times daily. The market price is generally considered the high price for items; most are generally sold between the 70 and 80 percent range.

Am I making some money off this? Sure, but not a hell of a lot per-item. I am doing a huge amount of transactions so my money really comes in bulk sales. This is not a ripoff for you, but more of an opportunity to remove yourself from the hassle of the AH and make the gold you need consistently!

Examples of Good items:
- Northrend Cloth!! Need lots of it!
- Netherweave cloth
- All Northrend Enchanting Mats
- All Northrend raw gems
- Select other gems
- Eternals (no crystallized please) 
- Northrend Herbs
- Northrend Skins
- Northrend Ore and Bars
- Many leveling mats
- Raid food and mats for raid food (fish feasts and the fish to make them)
- Reputation Items

Bad Items (Probably will not be accepted): 
- Crystalized Eternals
- Lesser enchanting mats (lesser cosmic essence, etc)
- Any equipment

  • Put me on your RealID list first! Send me a message ingame to let me know you're planning on being a supplier!
  • Add  Ææó to your friend's list! Copy/paste
  • Send auctioneer inquiries for pricing. Whisper whatever toon I'm on (whisper the toon, not the realid) with a question mark then the item link, just like this:

    /w cente ? [Abyss Crystal]
    Auctioneer will spit out a market price at you. Take the market price and multiply by 0.7; multiply again by 20 to get the stack price. You can do this at any time and you should do it often to make sure you're always getting a fair price!
  • CoD FULL STACKS of all items to Cente (or any character) and they will be received (or sent back if needed) within 2 days. 
  • Bookmark this page as I will be updating any items I currently cannot take on the right side
  • Send the link to your friends so they can get gold too!
  • Any questions about whether an item will be accepted ask me first!